
Showing posts from 2017

Challenge Day 2017 is coming! December 7, 2017 to BHS

Challenge   Days  are powerful, high energy programs in which youth and adult participants are guided through a series of experiential learning experiences. The overall goals of the program are to increase personal power and self esteem, to shift dangerous peer pressure to positive peer support and to eliminate the acceptability of teasing, violence and all forms of oppression.  Challenge   Days  are designed to unite the members of the school and to carry the themes of the program back to the greater school population.  When:  December 7th Location:  BHS  Gym Who:YOU!! Any grade 9-12 student who has not participated before!  What time:  7:55-2:35 . What else: e xcused absence, we don't cry all day, fun games, new friendships and a way to get involved in a movement to improve your school climate


PSAT  -  Wednesday, October 11th  will be a unique day!   The in-school PSAT will take place on   10/11/2017   and all sophomore students are required to take the exam. BHS will be covering the cost of the exam for all sophomores.  PSAT testing will also be open to 9th and 11th graders who elect to take the exam. We have ordered more exams than ever taken in the past, based on prior testing sign-ups in the 9th and 11th grade and the total enrollment of the sophomore class. Because the number of tests ordered for 9th and 11th grade students is an educated “guestimate,” spots are available on a first come-first serve basis and juniors will have priority.  The cost of the test to 9th and 11th grade students is $25 (check made out to BHS).  Please visit the Counseling Office to sign-up. Seniors can choose to spend the day planning for their futures (i.e. going on college campus tours, attending college fairs, meeting with military recrui...

BHS Financial Aid Night

BHS Financial Aid Night for Seniors is Thursday, October 19th, at 6:00 PM, in the theater.

IB Diploma Junior Orientation Night

IB Diploma Junior Orientation Night  is Monday October 2nd, at 6pm in the theater. All Juniors who are or are considering the IB Diploma should attend. All underclassmen and their families who would like to know more about the IB Diploma Programme at BHS are also invited. If you cannot make it, you can pick up the informational packet from Mr. Cannon by stopping by his office in the Library.

Senior College Info Night

Senior College Info Night  will be held on Wednesday, September 20th, at 5:30 PM in the Theater

Quarter 3 Honor Roll posted

Quarter 3 Honor Roll has been posted to the BHS website under Academics.

BHS Standardized Testing Schedule Spring 2017

April 5th - State required SAT   (for all Juniors) BHS gym at  7:45 am  (NOT at St. Anselm this year) All juniors are required to complete the exam on this day Students with accommodations will test in the Mini Gym There will be a short snack break provided by us After the test ends (around  12:30am ) juniors can all leave BHS, you will not see them for block 4 There is NO need for them to bring a backpack that day! May 3rd & 4th - Science NECAP All juniors test together in the BHS gym  Begins first thing in the morning Wednesday the 3rd will take place 1st block-Advisory Thursday the 4th will run through blocks 1 & 2 (snack provided) Students do NOT go home afterwards May- AP & IB terminus courses All tests will take place at Saint Elizabeth Seton Church Activity Center on Meetinghouse Rd. AP tests take precedence over all other standardized tests. Any exam conflicts need to be discussed in advance with the test coordinat...