PSAT - Wednesday, October 11th will be a unique day!  The in-school PSAT will take place on 10/11/2017 and all sophomore students are required to take the exam. BHS will be covering the cost of the exam for all sophomores. 

PSAT testing will also be open to 9th and 11th graders who elect to take the exam. We have ordered more exams than ever taken in the past, based on prior testing sign-ups in the 9th and 11th grade and the total enrollment of the sophomore class. Because the number of tests ordered for 9th and 11th grade students is an educated “guestimate,” spots are available on a first come-first serve basis and juniors will have priority.  The cost of the test to 9th and 11th grade students is $25 (check made out to BHS). 

Please visit the Counseling Office to sign-up. Seniors can choose to spend the day planning for their futures (i.e. going on college campus tours, attending college fairs, meeting with military recruiters, seeking out interviews, etc.) In addition, competency recovery instruction will be offered during the morning for any students who would like extra help and are not planning on taking the PSAT. Remember that all sophomores are required to attend school and take the exam.

Registration deadline:  September 29, 2017


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